Durham Periodontal Care

Get Treatment for Gum Disease

Periodontal Care in Durham

Gum disease affects nearly half of all American adults. Many people who have gum disease do not even realize it. At Messenger Family Dentistry, Dr. Messenger can help you get the treatment you need to prevent or even reverse the progression of gum disease, and preserve your teeth and gums. Schedule your appointment now to get started.

woman showing inflamed gum line

Understanding the Basics

What Is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal (gum) disease is caused by poor oral hygiene. Bacteria, plaque, and tartar will begin to build up between your teeth and gums if you do not brush and floss regularly. Over time, bacteria in the plaque and tartar will start to infect and attack your gums and the supporting structures of your teeth.

To preserve your teeth and your gums, this infection must be removed. If you have the first stage of gum disease (gingivitis), it is reversible and does not cause any permanent damage. However, if you do not get periodontal care in time, your gum disease could progress and become irreversible.

Recognizing the Signs of

Gum Disease

The signs of gum disease vary, based on the severity of your condition. Gingivitis, the first stage of the disease, has relatively minor symptoms such as inflammation of the gums, gum discoloration, halitosis (bad breath), and bleeding when brushing and flossing.

More severe cases of gum disease can cause permanent damage to your teeth and gums. Signs of advanced gum disease include sensitivity when chewing, a change in how your teeth fit together, teeth that look longer (due to gum recession), and loose or separating teeth. 

If you recognize any of these above signs and symptoms, it is important to get help from Dr. Messenger at our office in Durham right away. Timely care is critical for treating the damage caused by gum disease.

How Is Gum Disease Treated?

Periodontal Care Options

The most common treatment for periodontal disease is a “deep cleaning,” also known as scaling and root planing. This treatment uses special dental tools to clean plaque and bacteria from between your gums and teeth, and to smooth the roots of your teeth to help eliminate bacteria. Antibiotics are also commonly used to help treat periodontal disease.

For more serious cases of gum disease, you may need to see a periodontal specialist for surgical treatment like gum grafting to restore your gums. Gum flap surgery can also be used to clean the roots of your teeth and destroy the bacteria which cause gum disease.

woman's teeth being polished at the dentist

Caring for Your Teeth

When You Have Periodontal Disease

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential for keeping your periodontal disease in check. It is imperative that you brush at least 2 times per day for 2 minutes and floss once per day to keep your teeth and gums free of harmful bacteria. 

In addition, you may need to come in for a routine periodontal maintenance appointment with Dr. Messenger every 3-6 months. This is similar to a deep cleaning, but less invasive, and is used to remove the bacteria, plaque, and biofilm that cause gum disease. Regular periodontal maintenance can keep your gum disease from progressing, and keep your mouth healthy.

Judgement-Free Periodontal Treatment

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